Monday, March 26, 2012

The Vision, the Product Backlog and the Minimal Viable Product

The Vision, the Product Backlog and the Minimal Viable Product
I find the Lean Startup concept of a minimal viable product (MVP) rather exciting: It entails creating a first product version to test our ideas as quickly and cheaply as possible. This could be a throwaway prototype such as a mock-up or a product increment, working software that is tested and documented. The MVP works together with a build-measure-learn cycle: developing software, gathering customer feedback, and learning from it.

Build, Measure, Learn
With roots in the Scrum tradition, this sounds rather familiar to me: Validating assumptions by gathering customer feedback using product increments is called empirical management or inspect-and-adapt in Scrum.

But Scrum advocates the use of a product backlog containing the outstanding work necessary to create a successful product. How does the backlog fit into the picture? And can the product backlog be helpful to create a minimal viable product?

This blog posts answers this question and investigates how Lean Startup and Scrum concepts can be combined successfully.

The Product Vision
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses,” said Henry Ford famously. A vision, an idea of the future product, is the start of any successful innovation. Without a vision, we lack a shared goal, a common direction.

To reach our goal, we have to decide on an approach or strategy. This includes making assumptions about the target group, the needs the product should address, the key product features, and the value it should create for the organisation developing. I use my vision board to capture and visualise the product strategy.

The strategy’s assumptions must be validated. A great way to do this is to create the minimal viable product and to release it to the target customers and users.

The Product Backlog
Unfortunately, the product strategy is often too coarse-grained and partial to be used as a direct input for writing software. It can therefore be helpful to take an intermediate step, and to identify the work that is required to validate the strategy.

The corresponding items are placed in a sketchy, lightweight product backlog. To put it differently, the backlog is derived from the product strategy; it makes the strategy implementable.

Vision, Product Strategy, Product Backlog
From Backlog to Minimal Viable Product
Once we have a strategy and initial product backlog available, we create the minimum amount of functionality necessary to test our assumptions. This may take a day or two, or one or more sprints with a preference for the shorter timescales. Our goal is to find out quickly if the product generates a positive response amongst the target users and customers, and if the target group members use the product in the intended way. Once we’ve created the MVP, we release it and gather the relevant data.

Strategy, Backlog, and MVP
Note that releasing the MVP can be limited to a small group of users if the respondents are representative for the target group. Google, for instance, released early versions of its Chrome browser internally and asked its employees to test the software and to provide feedback before a first public beta was released in October 2008. A counter example is Google Buzz: The software was apparently loved by Google engineers, but unfortunately not by the rest of the world.

Pivot or Persevere?
Once we’ve gathered and evaluated the feedback, we need to decide if and how to act upon it. If the feedback invalidates any assumptions in the product strategy – which is likely to be the case when a new product is developed – we should adjust it together with the product backlog. Making changes to the strategy is also called pivot.

We may decide to change the target group or the needs selected, for instance; maybe the features or the look and feel envisioned is not right; or the business model does not work as expected, for instance, users never click on the ads displayed. Changing the product strategy can require restocking the backlog. With the backlog updated, we continue with the next cycle, develop a new MVP, and gather new feedback.

If the data confirms our strategy, we preserve and adapt the product backlog by incorporating the insights gained. Depending on the quality of the MVP, we may have to throw away any mock-ups and prototypes created so far, and start afresh developing tested and documented software using agile development practices. If the MVP is a product increment, we can progressively transform it into a shippable product using a series of sprints.

Using a minimal viable product is a powerful concept to validate the product backlog that be used in harmony with Scrum’s approach of creating working software, exposing it to customers and users, investigating their feedback, and making the necessary adaptations. Many thanks to @stefanroock for feedback on the first MVP of this post.

If you’ve found this blog post interesting, you are likely to benefit from my Agile Product Management training. The course teaches a combination of Lean Startup, Scrum, Kanban, and Design Thinking techniques. Check it out!

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